Monday, September 30, 2019

Greek victory over the Persians in 490 to 480/479 BC Essay

Assess the reasons for the Greek victory over the Persians in 490 to 480/479 BC. Make a judgement based on outcome, results and values. The reasons for the Greek victory against the Persians in 490 to 480/479 BC was a mixture of exceptional leadership, skilful tactics and strategy, superior weapons and soldiers, and Greek unity. Strong leadership was the most important aspect of the Greek defence, as without the intelligence and bravery of the leaders, the Greeks would have been easily defeated. As a result of the excellent leadership; Greek tactics, strategy, and unity were greatly strengthened. Combined with their better weapons and soldiers, the Greeks held the advantage and seized opportunities at the perfect moment. Also, with each victory the Greeks grew more confident of success and defiant of the Persian attempts to invade. The poor organisation and disarray of their enemy led to an undermining of the Persian might and further improved Greece’s chances of success. Despite the lack of official unity throughout Greece, many brilliant leaders from individual cities combined their skills and abilities to defeat the Persians. Greek leadership developed from weak and conflicting to united and strong, directly contributing to a Greek victory over the Persians as they promoted unity, strategy and a determination to defend their homeland. Without this firm leadership, the other reasons for Greek success would not exist as strongly. Despite the Greeks strong defiance of Persia, Darius and many of his council still foolishly believed that they could easily overcome the Greeks. They were short sighted as they saw only personal fame and glory to be gained, and as a result, did not prepare for the possibility of difficulties, and certainly not defeat. This arrogance reflects the poor leadership from the Persian side, which aided the Greeks in defeating them. When Darius invaded, there was conflicting debate at Athens as to whether they should defend the city walls or meet the enemy. However Miltiades’ excellent leadership persuaded the council to take supplies and leave the city if the Persians landed. This is seen in the ‘Miltiades’ Decree.’  Despite being the Polemarch, Callimachus relied on advice from Miltiades who had in depth experience in Persian combat. As opposed to the Persians, the Greeks were willing to co operate in the defence of their country which directly lead to their success. Both Callimachus and Miltiades convinced the Athenian Assembly to send an army to Marathon. At Marathon, the 10 strategoi were equally divided in decision as to whether to attack the Persians or retreat, as they were heavily outnumbered. A decision was made to attack, and each of the generals was given one day to hold in command. Aristides and three other leaders gave their leadership command to Miltiades. This meant that Miltiades was in command for five out of the ten days of battle, and due to the generosity of the other generals, was able to carefully plan a much more effective attack over five days instead of one. When Miltiades was informed that the Persian calvary was absent, he timed the attack to surprise the Persians. â€Å"We know enough to realise the brilliance of Miltiades’ generalship at every stage: his decision to march to Marathon, his determination to attack, his grasp of the suitable opportunity, and his tactical disposition of the infantry line.† (Hammond) It was this brilliance that allowed the Greeks to win at Marathon, which directly increased their confidence and improved future chances of defeating the Persians. The Persian leaders Datis, Hippias, and Artaphernes were confident of a victory over Athens after their defeat of Eretria. â€Å"Their experience at Eretria will have encouraged them to believe that there would be divisions among the Athenians at Athens, and possibly on the field.† (Bury& Meiggs) They therefore did not predict the Athenians to challenge them at Marathon, and dismissed their own cavalry. This foolish decision costed them the battle as the Athenians would have been intimidated by the excellent Persian cavalry, which could have easily defended a Greek attack. It is this arrogance and poor insight from the Persian leaders that added to a Greek victory. After the death of Darius, his son Xerxes was persuaded by his overconfident advisor Mardonius to attack the Greeks, and in doing so, Mardonius exaggerated Greek weaknesses and character. Even when Damaratus repeatedly told Xerxes that the Spartans were the bravest and best fighters of Greece, Xerxes still mocked them for their appearance and actions. â€Å"For four whole days he suffered to go by, expecting that the Greeks would run away.† (Herodotus) Contrasting with Persia’s arrogant and assuming leaders, Greece produced the finest leadership after Marathon. Themistokles was an example of excellent leadership, as he prepared for the possibility of renewed attacks from Persia. He fortified the Piraeus bay, and used surplus to build 100 new triremes to fight against the Persians. â€Å"The pre eminent importance of his statesmanship was due in the first place to his insight in discerning the potentialities of his city and in grasping her situation before any one else had grasped it; and then to his energy in initiating, and his adroitness and perseverance in following, a policy which raised his city, and could alone have raised her, to the position which she attained before his death.† (Bury& Meiggs) Themistokles’ clever tactics and strategy emerged from his high quality leadership, as he carefully selected the positions and methods for the Greek defence. Themistokles persuaded the Greek navy to battle against the Persians despite being outnumbered as Artemisium. Herodotus says that Themistokles even bribed some of the navy leaders to keep the Greek unity together. He again exhibited his leadership skills when he planned the attack on the Greek navy. Themistokles chose excellent timing and precision in attacking the Persians where the weather, tide, and narrow straits made it difficult for the enemy. At Artemisium, â€Å"The Persian admirals did not know the coastal waters of the Greek peninsula, and they were comparatively inexperienced in naval warfare†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hammomd) The Persians were unorganised as they did not  expect attack and disadvantaged because of their lack of competent leaders. At Thermopylae, Leonidas was a responsible, respected, and courageous leader; and despite facing inevitable death, he continued to fight for the Greek cause, whilst dismissing many of the other soldiers from battle because â€Å"he tendered their safety†. (Herodotus) Sparta was given overall command but did not abuse her powers as a leader. â€Å"The fact that Sparta did not seek to extend her own Alliance and assert her own supremacy, but preferred to treat as an equal with the other states and let them choose their leader, is an outstanding mark of her far sighted statesmanship.† (Hammond). This again contrasted with the competitive and all-for-one nature of the Persian leaders, as the Greek leaders promoted unity and alliance. Themistokles also cleverly chose the position of the battle at Salamis so that the Greeks few numbers would be placed at the biggest advantage- â€Å"Themistokles had managed that a naval battle should be fought at Salamis, and under the conditions most favourable to the Greeks.† (Bury& Meiggs). However the Persians were â€Å"badly generalled† and this spread chaos throughout the Persian navy. Themistokles made an extremely clever and daring plan to fool the Persians at Salamis. He sent a slave to tell Xerxes that the Greeks would attempt to escape during the night through the straits. The Persians wasted their energy guarding the exits and in the morning the Greeks successfully attacked them. Themistokles’ ingenious plan lead to the defeat of the weary Persians at Salamis, and once again proved that the main reason for the Greek victory was the insightful and daring leadership shown at that time. Pausanius â€Å"won the most splendid victory which history records† (Herodotus) at Plataea. He found it necessary to withdraw from Plataea as the battle had developed into a stalemate. Whilst the Persian leader Mardonius assumed that the Greeks would be weak whilst they were changing position, the Greeks counter attacked. â€Å"But when the main body of Persians had drawn up within  bowshot behind their fence of wicker shields, the order to charge was given, and the heavy Peloponnesian infantry dashed at a run upon the enemy’s line†¦The result was decisive.† (Kagan) The clever strategies used by the Greeks were a direct result of their qualified leaders, and lead to the defeat of Persia. All the locations and tactics chosen by the Greeks contributed immensely to their victory and was the second most important reason for the Greek triumph. Miltiades chose Marathon as a strategic site for the battle- the high lands surrounded both roads to Athens and hid the Athenians until the perfect moment to attack. Due to Miltiades’ former knowledge, he knew that the Persians would be strong towards the centre, and so he placed the skilled Athenian infantry into wings to encircle the Greeks. Miltiades aimed at surprising the Persians and â€Å"the men charged at the double and hurled themselves upon the Persian infantry†. (Hammond) This was the first time such an attack had been attempted, and the creativity and excellent strategy was all due to the amazing ability of the leaders, Miltiades and Callimachus. The run created fear and confusion in the Persian ranks and allowed the Greeks to close in before the Persian bowmen could release their arrows. Despite the Persians breaking through the middle Greek troops, the Greek wings wheeled around to attack the Persians from the rear, as Miltiades planned. He had even organised the attack so that the Persians could only flee north towards a difficult marsh, where many died. The Persians did not realise the Greek tactics and strategy, as they underestimated their ability. Instead they believed that â€Å"the Athenians were bereft of their senses, and bent upon their own destruction: for they saw a mere handful of men coming on at a run without either horsemen or archers.† (Herodotus) As they were caught unaware, the Persians had little time to adopt new tactics for battle. Their strategic preparation was poor. At Thermopylae, Leonidas selected his position carefully, and fought in a narrow pass in which the Persians had difficulty in passing through. This greatly advantaged the Greeks, as the narrow space could only admit a small  portion of the Persian army. They also had a stone wall to protect the army camp. In addition, the Persian cavalry were unable to fight in the small area, which would increase the Greek chances of winning dramatically. The Spartans planned strategies on drawing the Persians into the pass and would then wheel around and attack them. Themistokles understood that the Greeks were unable to fully defeat the Persians over land and selected Artemisium as the ideal location to battle their navy. At Artemisium the Greek leaders developed strategy of combining the triremes to form a circle facing outwards to attack the Persians. This plan overcame the disadvantage of being greatly outnumbered. Themistokles carefully chose the timing and position of the battle. The strategy of drawing in the Persian fleet into narrow waters meant that the enemy ships began to collide with each other. Themistokles waited until the tide rose and began to push the Persian ships off course, â€Å"the low-built Athenian triremes, which were less affected by the swell, rowed in to the charge and rammed their opponents, shearing their oars or holing their sides†¦A great victory had been won by tactical skill, by the use of the ram, and by the fighting quality of the Greek marines.† (Hammond) Despite using citizen troops, the Greek hoplites were better trained and equipped than the Persians. The hoplites wore bronze visored helmets, solid bronze breast plates, and carried longer shields and javelins. On the contrary, the Persians wore light armour, wicker shields and used bows and arrows, which became useless in close contact. The discipline in which the hoplites were famous for was shown through their ability to encircle the Persians and attack from the rear. â€Å"In hand to hand fighting their defeat of a more numerous enemy was due to their courage, spearmanship, general and the finest infantry force in her whole history.† (Hammond) At Artemisium, the navy was extremely well disciplined whilst facing many Persian ships surrounding them. They responded to two signals and successfully formed a close circle to attack the Persians. This shows the exceptional skill from the sailors that contributed to their victory. Both the Spartan hoplites and the Tegeans were acknowledged as having great fighting skills and discipline at Plataea- â€Å"by the superb spirit and skill of the Spartan hoplites, who proved themselves to be the finest infantrymen not of Greece alone but of the civilised world.† (Plutarch, Aristides) Thus the incredible skill and ability of the Greek soldiers, combined with their superior weapons contributed immensely to their victory. The battle at Marathon was to be a direct planned attack by the Persians on Athens. After the downfall of Eretria, Athens united under their leaders like Miltiades and planned on how to save the city. Their appeal to Sparta for aid was reluctantly refused as the Spartans had an important religious festival to attend to. Despite Sparta’s inability, the Plataeans sent help â€Å"in full force† (Herodotus), and 2000 Spartans did arrive soon after the battle and congratulated the Athenians on their defeat. â€Å"No one in antiquity doubted the sincerity of the religious scruples which had prevented them from participating in the battle.† (Kagan?) Sparta and Athens â€Å"now joined hands to resist the invasion† as they were singled out by Persia as the Greek leaders. (Bury& Meiggs) In 481 BC the congress at Isthmus united 31 Greek states to discuss the possible Persian threat. Athens discarded her claim to leadership, knowing that the other states would prefer Sparta to lead. In doing so, a quarrel that may have divided the union was avoided. All past disputes were ended, and deadly enemies Athens and Aegina combined their naval superiority. The meeting of the Greeks was â€Å"an attempt to combine all the scattered cities of the Greek world to withstand the power of Persia.† (Grote) Themistokles issued the Troezen decree so that â€Å"all Athenians may in unity ward off the Barbarian† (Troezen Decree) by calling back Greek exiles. This plan was clever, as the exiles like Xanthippus and Aristides combined their efforts to resist the Persians, despite being previously forced to leave their own country. At Thermopylae â€Å"the Thespians stayed entirely for their own accord, refusing to retreat and declaring that they would not forsake Leonidas and his followers.† (Herodotus) Despite the number of forces joining the army at Thermopylae, many of them, including the Spartans were unwilling to provide full assistance as they did not think it was feasible to defend the northern states. Thus unity was at times strained and lacked the full force it potentially had. Mardonius attempted to offer peace with the Athenians in an attempt to undermine Greek unity and overpower the Spartans. However the Athenians angrily refused, displaying their courage and alliance with the Greek cause. Mardonius made a second offering, and he even believed they would change their minds. The underestimating of the Greek unity and Athenian determination was one reason why Persia failed to defeat Greece. â€Å"Artistides declared that, so long as the sun continued in his course, the Athenians would attack the Persians with the aid of the gods†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kagan) â€Å"The campaign of Plataea was the finest achievement of Greek unity.† (Kagan) 23 states took an oath of comradeship to fight together until the Persians were defeated, and over 100 000 Greeks joined the battles. In comparison with the Greeks, the Persians were ominously competitive. Pausanius and his second in command Artabazus were rivals and schemed to take control and glory from each other. The strongest reason for a Greek victory against the Persians in 490 to 480/79 was the extraordinary ability of the leaders. This led to the next most important reason- the cunning tactics and strategies used by the Greeks. The skill of the Greek soldiers and their superior armour also  greatly contributed to their victory, as only their bravery and aptitude would help them overcome the size of the Persian army. Unity was the least contributing factor throughout the battles as it was inconsistent and was only really significant when Athens and Sparta joined forces.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chivalry Codes

Is chivalry dead? Chivalry is a combinations of qualities expected from an â€Å"ideal† knight, in the contemporary times. Some ideas of chivalry include courage, honesty, loyalty, courtesy, and truth. Chivalry was the medieval principles governing knighthood and knightly conduct, if you were a knight; you were expected to follow these rules. But not all knights in the seventeenth century followed these rules honestly or courageously. Some knights dishonored the code, putting their pride above the people they were supposed to serve.If there were dishonest knights in the contemporary times, chivalry in the modern world is indefinitely dead. Generations of dishonesty of corrupted knights from the contemporary times to modern caused the neglection of chivalric duties to collapse. The nature of these fraudulent knights is to put themselves above others, their character influence the young and future knights to be. When Wictred fought with Prince Tristan in the literary work, Trist an & Isolde, his true corrupted side showed as he cheated to defeat the prince. According to the chivalric code, honesty was absent, which shows lost of chivalric regards.Wictred’s way of play reflected off of the younger beings who probably will mock his way of traits and qualities, which begin the chain of deceitful knights and people, each losing more chivalric manners along the way. As more degraded knights ascend the line of modern time, they carry a burden on their shoulders, which is symbolized by chivalry. As careless features begin to arise within the generations of knights, the fewer burdens they want on their shoulders. As time passes on, chivalric codes are decreasing, and soon, dropped forever.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Dissent Theory Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dissent Theory Profile - Essay Example Usually in a group, there are two types of people: there are those who identify strongly with the group and others who have weak identification with the group. Those are who are strongly identified are the ones prone to dissent from the norms in order to protect the rest of their social group and their identities from outside forces in every way they deem possible. What is astonishing about the theory is that these same people who are strongly identified with the group will not easily and quickly dissent if the challenge is not on their group but on themselves as individuals. This provides a strong sense of how deeply these people feel about their social group which they identify with and the extent they can go to for the group which is not even the same they can go for themselves. The weak identifiers with the group are the exact opposite of the strong identifiers as they cannot go an extra mile (such as challenging the system or dissenting) for their social group members but when it comes to them, they will act to protect themselves more than the strong identifiers do to themselves. Weak identifiers are just an indication of the non-conformity that arises out of some people being disengaged from the group norm while strong identifiers are an indication of the non-conformity that arises out of desire to help group members or even change the group. The aspect of social interaction is important for this group of people and anyone or anything trying to challenge this social interaction is deemed an enemy and must be fought with or discouraged to continue doing so. It is for this reason of trying to protect their social interaction and identities to each other that people find the need to dissent. The reason for the dissent is justifiable as they are protecting not only their organizational duties but their social and psychological ones as well (Kassing, 2011). The dissent may even be an organizational norm but this does not matter and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management - Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management - Managing People - Essay Example It is said that the existence of motivators at the place of work account for the motivation of employees however their absence did not bring about any dissatisfaction. Some of the principle motivators recognized in this regard are responsibility, recognition, promotion, achievement etc (Mullins, 2010, p.265). The efficiency that the organization has gained over the years along with the attainment of Six Sigma has been responsible for acting as a motivating force behind their job performance. The organization has been able to attain great management excellence and efficiency. This is demonstrated through the fact that their error rate diminished dramatically which have been responsible for the attainment of great operational excellence. ... This relates to the high achievement needs of people as proposed by McClelland. The high need for achievement among the workers drives them to even negotiate with traffic on bicycles or foot at rapid pace to deliver to the required destinations as per their commitment. McClelland has perceived the achievement motive as most crucial for attainment of success and growth (Mullins, 2010, p.267). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs As per the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the workers involved in the service demonstrate the need for self actualization which the highest order need in the hierarchy of needs in the theory. The Mumbai dabbawalahs represent the fact that the basic needs in the hierarchy have been satisfied and they have moved up to the higher order needs. The basic needs like physiological needs, security needs and social needs have already been attained and would not be able to provide any more motivation. The theory does not intend to provide an explanation of mot ivation in the place of work. However, a number of managerial theorists have adopted it. The theory has suggested that employees would always tend to acquire more from their employers. When they would be satisfied with the subsistence needs they would try to obtain the security needs which would be followed by the need to fulfil social needs and would ultimately result in fulfilling the self actualization need. The workers are now trying to seek the need for self actualization which is done by maintaining such efficiency and performance which is comparable to some of the leading corporations in the world (Mullins, 2010, p.260). Alderfer’s modified need hierarchy model The Alderfer’s modified need hierarchy also applies in this case.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Quality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Quality - Research Paper Example The CNE article uses reliable data through showing consultations with the IOM report of 2000 and the studies of James in 2013. For instance, by referring to the studies such as that of James, it is clear that the research conducted is of high quality, reliable, and valid. The assumption is that the study involves the identification of preventable adverse events that are readily applicable in the hospital contexts. For example, some of the preventable adverse events encompass the errors of omission, errors of context, errors of commission, errors of communication, and those of context. The experimental design used in this article entails several measures concerning the patient safety and culture. Besides, the experiment includes varied elements of the patient safety culture that undergo developments. The design in this context gains confidence by using numerous tools to ascertain the safety of the patients. Some of the tools involved include the safety attitude questionnaires, safety cultural surveys, and the safety cultural improvement tool. There is tailoring of the instruments to various individuals to gain a broader perspective of the issue in question. Contextually, the tools targeted the hospital staff, the patients, and the medical personnel. Thus, it is a good design for the analysis of the safety of patients in the health care setup. Ulrich & Kear (2014) have managed to use accurate data and statistics from recognized studies and reports. For instance, the IOM report indicates the numbers of people injured and those that died due to preventable adverse events. In spite of the accurate use of this data, the research fails to carry out a critical statistical analysis to ascertain and give feedback to the individuals that participated in the surveys and questionnaires. In summary, the article provides an account of what safety has entailed in the US after the patient safety took the center stage of the health care system. It reflects on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Infection Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Infection Control - Essay Example This discovery was made by Robert Koch, a renowned German scientist and physician in 1882 (Nobel Price 2012). It was referred to as white and consumption plague then because out of seven human beings dying, one had TB. More so, it carried away more than a third of the middle age group working force. The bacterium affects body organs such as kidneys, bones, brain and most commonly, the lungs resulting to pulmonary tuberculosis. Today, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, IUATLD (2010) documents TB as a great problem, particularly in low income countries. It has been cited as the number one killer for people between the ages of 15 and 49 with Sridharan citing it as â€Å"the single leading cause of human mortality by an infectious disease claiming 3 million lives annually with an estimated 8 million cases arising every year† (2006, p.1). Tuberculosis would be caused when an individual inhales Mycobacterium tuberculosis which enters through the lungs, sp reading to other body parts through the lymphatic system, airways, blood stream or through direct extension. IUATLD (2010, p.5) observed that 80% of tuberculosis forms would be the contagious pulmonary tuberculosis. ... Similar studies by Kempsell et al. (2001) indicate that rheumatoid arthritis patients had commensal organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis trafficked from other sites of the body. The surface of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is characterised by a waxy coating, particularly mycolic acid that makes the cell Gram staining impervious as it would neither be gram positive nor gram negative (Sridharan 2006). This is the reason for application of acid-fast techniques of detection and has been classified by Guiard et al. (2009) as acid-fast Gram positive form of bacteria because its cells do not have the outer cell membrane. The micro organism is highly aerobic thus requires high amounts of oxygen. The bacteria divides slowly compared to other bacteria. It is said to divide every 20 hours whereas other bacteria divide in minutes, such as Escherichia coli which divides every twenty minutes (Medzhitov 2007). This is a small bacillus and would resist weak disinfectants and survive under dry c onditions for several weeks due to its lipid rich cell wall, a critical virulence factor. In the lungs, it would have alveolar microphages take it up but would not be digested. Again, its cell wall inhibits phagosome fusion with lysosome. According to Todar (2009), Mycobacterium tuberculosis would block early endosomal autoantigen 1, EEA1, a bridging molecule, which would however not prevent nutrient filled vesicles fusion. The bacteria would then multiply within the macrophage. Having carried UrecC gene, phagosome acidification would be inhibited. Similarly, it would evade the killing of macrophage by neutralising nitrogen intermediates that would be reactive.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Muslim Minority in Toronto University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Muslim Minority in Toronto University - Essay Example But today this plain world-view has been complex by the existence in the West of above ten million Muslims. Around five or six million Muslims subsist in Europe and about four or five million in America; the accurate statistics are likely to be rather untrustworthy, as immigrants and switchers at times do not desire to pronounce their individuality or list and are consequently complex to itemize. It can no longer be observed as Islam against the West; it is Islam and the West or Islam in the West. The expansion of this Muslim society has been remarkable to evaluate by the mosques: both Germany and France comprise around a thousand, Britain about 500 (though many may only be a room or two). The central mosques in London and in Washington indicate this expansion: the mosques are filled of worshippers; they are wonderfully created and are the center of Muslim communal and pious action (Muslim Minority, Online). According to LeMay (2004) discrimination and inequity based on supposed ethnic/racial dissimilarities are worldwide --they are initiated in a variety of forms in all cultures. Acts of discrimination vary all the way from benign categorization of people to unkind harassment. Though, the expression racism has come to be vaguely applied to all of these actions. Philosophers question has made a practical division between kinds of detrimental activitiesThey uses the term racialism for the more benevolent forms of prejudice such as classifying people for indication purposes on the foundation of age, gender, and ethnicity/race. They set aside the term racism for destructive discrimination such as not employing someone because of his or her "race." This difference will be followed here in this paper. Not a soul -ethnic/racial group has the domination on racism. Yet members of groups that are insistently discriminated against by others might believe and perform in a violent racist behavior.Racism is principally a creation of ethnocentrism--the sentiment that ones own group's edifying traditions and principles are accurate and greater to all others (Flanagan, 1998). It is not complicated to observe why Majority sees Muslims who live as a minority in non-Muslim countries like Canada as a dilemma. The grounds are comparatively straightforward. Where on earth Muslims live as minorities they more and more countenance troubles of discrimination. These are partially due to historical and political issues, partially due to the media, which have established for several that Muslims are aggressive, untrustworthy and flat to lawlessness. There is one more basis. The majority of non-Muslim countries in which Muslims live have a representation of themselves as plural, open-minded, secular and contemporary cultures. Muslims one way or another confront this picture. They aggravate the nastiest facets of the state. In the foremost, in its place of resolving the evils of the Muslims in a style that would be jointly advantageous, the state is inclined to disregard or diminish them (Flanagan, 1998). Issues Faced By Muslim Minorities In Toronto University Undergraduates at the University of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Illegal war trade, and its effect on society Research Paper

Illegal war trade, and its effect on society - Research Paper Example hereas the problem was being addressed, during the 19th century, locally at different countries of the world, now-a-days, it has assumed a global aspect. Therefore it is evident that modern transportation system has significantly contributed to the increase of the illicit drug-trade. As a result in the international drug market, the trade in drug is a highly profitable business, as Presidents Commission on Organized Crime notes, â€Å"Drug trafficking accounts for almost 38 percent of all organized crime activity across the country and generates an income estimated to be as high as $110 billion† (4). A report prepared by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that the abuse of drug like any illegal drugs, except the smoking and alcohol, exerts a toll of averagely $161 billion dollars on the economy of the United States in the years 1999, 2000 and 2001 (NIDA). If alcoholism and smoking are counted within the statistics, the cost will rise up to approximately $487 billion dollar. Out of this $161 billion dollars, about $110 billion costs in lost productivity, whereas $12.9 billion is spent in healthcare issue. In the UK, the total economic cost of illicit drug abuse fluctuated between  £2.9bn and  £5.3bn in the past decades. If the social costs are added to this economic cost, the total amount will range between  £10.1bn and  £17.4bn per year (Godfrey et al. 7). In a study Collins and Lapsley (2008) report that Australian socio-economy has to bear the cost of $30 billion per year. But a global comparative statistics of the effects of drug on the economy of the countrie s is still a matter of investigation (87). The UK Drug Policy Commission approximates that there are about 23.1 million natives of the total British population who are addicted to at least one drug in the year 2010 (Reuter and Stevens, 2007). According to the British Crime Survey 2005, about 45% of the population (aged between 35 and 44) were addicted to at least one drug, whereas 50 percent of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Technology and civil security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology and civil security - Essay Example to employ and train technological staff with an aim of developing counter technologies that will effectively prevent terrorist attacks, mitigate natural hazards, protect critical infrastructure, improve all-hazards preparedness, support disaster response, continuity and recovery. As such, we can devise ways that will hinder the use of technology in terrorism, mass destruction, and disruption. Actually, there are many demonstrations on the impact of technology on warfare and security. Most assuredly, the unavoidable diffusion of technology has led to the possibility of using technology in irresponsible manner that propagates terrorism and jeopardizes civil security (Mallik, 2012). Security is becoming an increasingly important facet of global society. However, many technological aspects enable the protection of citizens and state from organized crime, natural calamities, and terrorism (European Nanotechnology Gateway, 2007). Nevertheless, there are various concepts of technology that enable crime, security, and policing (McQuade, 2011). As seen herein, the effects of technology on civil security are diverse. Indeed, criminals use technology to access secret government files, launch viral attacks to secret systems, create advanced missiles, and launch missile attacks, and counteracting security and policing procedures. As such, the use of technology by the criminals has le d to complex criminal activities, unmanageable security threats to the society. On the other hand, the federal government adopts a security theme that seeks to develop technologies that will build significant potential to guarantee the security of citizens from terrorism and other forms of crime. Moreover, there is an objective to incorporate technology in European security for purposes of promoting civil security, reducing security gaps, and improving the competitiveness of the European security industry (European Commission, 2012). Ideally, we can devise technological measures geared towards

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Communication in an Organisation Essay Example for Free

Communication in an Organisation Essay It is not possible to have human relations without communication. However, good and effective communication is required not only for good human relations but also for good and successful business. Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the senders intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. It requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality and the communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender so communication must include both the transfer and the understanding of meaning. I think that effective communication is needed within a business for both the manager’s and the organization’s success because it is required for the day to day running of the business. Effective communication is required at various levels and for various aspects in an organization so that there can be manager and employee relations. Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. The manager cannot get the work done from employees unless they are communicated effectively of what he/she wants to be done so therefore effective communication does not take place within an organization then employees will not know how to go about achieving company goals. Managers should also be sure of some basic facts such as how to communicate and what results can be expected from that communication. Most of management problems arise because of lack of effective communication. Chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system. When there is ineffective communication it leaves room for mistakes and sometime projects and reports have to be revised or done over thus causing resources to be squandered and may cause employees and managers to be frustrated. Finally, communication between management and employees can help the management better address concerns the employees may have, reassuring the staff and helping management to remedy potential problems facing the organization. Motivation can also arise from effective communication and this can make employees more productive which in turn will ensure the success of the business. When employees are able to easily communicate to their employers their opinions and problems they tend to be productive on the job and intent on working to best of their abilities. On the other hand manager can tell employees that they are doing a great job or ask for their opinions in the decision making process. Effective communication in the workplace plays a prominent role in developing long lasting employee motivation and one of many positive benefits gained from well-established organizational communication is improved relationships. Improving relationships between management and staff is quite important and is often overlooked. Things will go smoothly when everyone is on the same page, understanding of goals and the direction a company is going. The best process of communicating here is well thought out emails that follow the chain of command and face to face interactions. A company also uses communication as a way to maintain control over employees and their work environment. Written human resources policies and procedures dictate how employees are permitted to act in the workplace. Job descriptions outline the parameters of an employees job functions. Performance reviews control whether an employee receives a raise or attains a promotion. Communication allows employees to interact with customers and each other. A customer service department communicates with customers to help them resolve issues. A business letter can be used to introduce a company to a potential customer. Communication is essential for employees who work together on a project or during the training process. Employees may interact socially both at work and outside the workplace. Every organization offers a service or good so there needs to be an effective line of communication between the organization and its customers. Those organizations need to be able communicate about what they are offering with the consumer base they are targeting. Effective communication with consumers provides two benefits. First, it lets consumers know about what is being offered and why the organizations offers should be preferred over the competitions. It also allows the organization to gain feedback from consumers so they can alter either their communication tactics or their offers to make sure they are appealing to the largest amount of consumers possible. Communication is necessary to effectively function, both inside an organization and when dealing with the outside world. The above inferences attest to the importance of effective communication within an organization if it is intent on both the manager and business success. Effective communication is not only important within the organization but also information should relay to stakeholders in order to guarantee the organizations attainment of its goals.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace Imitated

The First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace Imitated Living and writing in an era in which culture was flourishing and poetry was not simply a pastime[1], must have been a dream to Alexander Pope: such was the Augustan age in Latin literature (27 BC AD 14), which under the reign of the emperor Augustus provided not only for a serene social environment for the thriving of liberal arts, but also concerned about its good management by the close advisor Maecenas, responsible of the patronage of the artistic talent. In this sort of literary scene, poets such as Horace, Ovid, Virgil and Livy found their mastery being appreciated, highlighted and celebrated. Approaching the two historical periods with a thorough close analysis, its remarkable how Popes England and the Roman Empire were sharing aspects of their social life: the division between Court and Country as existed in the Augustan Rome was common view in England as the difference between luxury and philosophical retreat. A literary analogy, specifically relevant for Popes works, could also be detected, but in terms of cultural and social satisfaction, unfortunately, the 18th Century poet faced a reality which of Augustan had nothing but the name. The so called Augustan poetry rose during the first half of 1700 with the explicit intention of being satirical and political, meant to criticise and hit the government, whose enmity and hatred towards all poetry and the arts were concentrated in the figure of the contemporary ruling George II. Ascended to power in 1683, the monarch showed a non-caring and contrasting attitude towards every literary manifestation, often stating himself in favour of censorship that made poets voices and endavours even much harder to be heard and adequately esteemed. Moreover, the spreading corruption was detestated by the writers of the time, and by Pope in particular, who in 1737 came into closer association with the Opposition, expressing his role as an active political poet. Funnily, George II was also christened Augustus, coincidence that considerably remarked the difference between the two princes: Alexander Pope didnt think twice about taking advantage of this perfect homonymy and under the clever suggestion of his friend Lord Bolingbroke, he created a brilliant and enjoyable satirical collection: Imitations of Horace (1738). Firstly, what an imitation is must be clarified: not a fake, something not genuine should be thought about, but the Latin sense of imitatio should be taken into consideration, in which the idea of re-creation and re-interpretation is implied. Secondly, the choice of Horace must be explained: not only he was on the defensive of writing satire, as Pope was towards his literary environment, but also gave him the chance to rise questions and social problems besides giving judgments of contemporary literature and taste. These issues found their place in the mock-epic poem The first Epistle of the Second Book of Horace Imitated (May 1737), which also best underlines Popes contempt for George II, making of it a parodic effective thread over the poem. The Horatian Epistle opens with compliments sincerely paid by Horace to Augustus, while the ones claimed in Popes version are to be constructed ironically: the English Patron of Mankind in line 1 had nothing to do with the Horatian Caesar in line 4. The word caesar was not meant just to address Augustus with his second name: it is an important honorific that stands for the recognised authority and greatness of a leader, who could bear alone all the government and social duties, worth following with trust. The contrast between the two Augustuses is here even more highlighted and as the English courtier Lord John Hervey defines it, it is a very material difference [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] For as personal courage was the only quality necessary to form a great prince which the one was suspected to want, so I fear it was the only one the other was ever thought to possess. (p. 261, Memoirs). The game of the parallel ironic and glorific tone plays constantly throughout the poem: such a Wonder of Kings! Like whom, to mortal eyes | None eer has risen, and none eer shall rise (line 29-30) becomes some monster of a King in line 210 and is still contraposed to the indisputable maiestas (line 258) of the Roman Augustus, or his greatness. This political complaint then is strictly connected with and leads the way to the real Epistles social concern. To start with, more than everything, Augustans of both ages were worried about their literary heritage and how they should have dealt with it. People and poets were happy and accostumed to praise primitives such as Shakespeare and Ennius, but a common sense of lacking of art of them was hanging in the air and foreign literature started being attractive after having conquered France in one case and Greece in the other. Horace could still see the sapiens et fortisEnnius (line 50) and his ingenium, the mastery he had demonstrated, as Pope would agree about Shakespeares immortality but another good way of doing literature was emerging and couldnt wait to be noticed. If Time improve our Wit as well as Wine, | Say at what age a Poet grows divine? (Pope, lines 49-50). Poets were scared of how much time might have taken for their works to be valued if people had remained stuck to the past for longer. For that, it was important not to leave the public be the judge in order to make sure the distance between the new and the old, veteros and novos (Horace, lines 37-38), was respected and here the social context starts to shape. When the poets write about the public and their feelings towards it, there is where the two societies begin to clush and be really interactive. On more scientific basis, this connection is interestingly defined as time-space distanciation in The Dictionary of Human Geography, 4th Edition, for which Anthony Giddens, British sociologist, describes the stretching of social systems across time and space. Historically, The nexus of relations political, economic, military in which a society exists with others is usually integral to the very nature of that society[2]: thus to maintain this interaction, which is intrinsic to society itself, so called technically symbolic tokens are implied, as media of exchange which have standard value and thus are interchangeable across a plurality of contexts (Modernity and Self-Identity, 1991). Put in context, these stretching and media of exchange seem fundamental in order to read in parallel Horaces and Popes societies. With the concept of time-space distanciation in mind, its easier to jump flexibly from one time to the other, from Rome to England and follow the thread that society weaves across the lines of the Epistle. Back to the relationship with the public, both poets are trying to warn about the misunderstanding of contemporary literature: Pope assumes an explicit rude and insulting tone while declaring that the public is nothing but a fool (lines 93-94), while on his side, Horace takes a softer and much more diplomatic position by claiming that not always the public sees and interprets things in the right way and its now mistaken in believing that no poetry can match the old school but that in this case Iove iudicat aequo (God judges righteously, line 68). However, the Latin text suggests a different shade of what Horaces consideration of the public was: he addresses the audience as volgus (line 63), which does not only refer to people in general but has to be read with a negative and offensive connotation that is effective on a class-based society, in which the mass was considered inferior and with scorn. The argue about the public goes on in lines 115-118 in Popes imitation: I lose my patience, and I own it too, | When works are censurd, not as bad, but new; | While if our Elders break all Reasons laws, | These fools demand not Pardon, but Applause. Fools that have no taste, a crowd that has no interest in welcoming the novitas, the novelty in literature (line 90, Horace) and still pays honorem et premia (honours and praises, line 78) only to the ancients: Pope was clearly complaining about the audience but at the same time denouncing the ruling power and censorship that was affecting the literary environment. Even the writers profession seemed to be undermined, as for Indocti doctique (educated people and not, line 117) for Horace and those who cannot write, and those who can for Pope, All ryme, and scrawl, and scribble, to a man (lines 187-188). Unskilled writers were emerging and the public was enjoying them with incertos oculos et gaudia vana (line 188, Horace). The choice of the adjective incertos (uncertain) for the eyes (oculos) is interesting, as it doesnt only refer to the dubious taste of the public but also to a sort of inner ignorance that caused confusion and inability to judge, as if the public itself was unskilled. That might simply remark the mistrust and disdain for the audience in Horace but in Pope it assumes again a political connotation, in which the unskilled writer is just taken as a pretext and metaphor to criticise the unprofessional and unskilled George II. The poem is so constantly balanced on the coexistence of political and social context. They create the wire on which the reader keeps his equilibrium within the two Augustan societies, each of them narrated and sung by their poets with similar yet so different connotations; in fact, their opinions about the literary taste converge in all their aspects but their perceptions of the possibility of dealing with power for it, differ. In this divergence lies the key point and crucial concept to change and light up the whole interpretation of the text and of the poets themselves. As previously mentioned, Horace was writing for and of Augustus, whom he could trust and relate to besides his audience: whether the latter failed, the prince was still a solid pillar waiting for his courtiers words. On the other hand, Pope had no one to rely on: the publics senseless and George II taken of any consideration. In this light, the Epistle takes the shape and significance of a social poem in which Horace is the image of that kind of society Pope wishes to live in and write for: Horace becomes the means by which Pope wants to raise his voice and at the same time he makes him part of the society itself. More than a simple report of power misbehaviour hides behind the lines of the Epistle: Pope puts in it his frustration and will, his anger and wish that a society of Horatian type could still be possible and viable and while this anger falls into satiric tones, he constructs on it an entire poem. The ideal of Horace and his actual figure help Pope in bringing his age and society to life and as he states in the Advertisement to The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace Imitated, an answer from Horace was both more full, and of more Dignity, than any I coud have made in my own person. In the last part of the Epistle, the presence of the poets becomes expressively strong. Standing in front of Poetry, Horace keeps his humble tone by declaring once again his scribendi studio (passion for writing, line 108) only aimed at celebrating Augustus maiestas; he would blush, in fact, at a great tribute to him alone, departed from his patron. On his side, Pope sticks to that aggressivity that just conceals insecurity and finally reveals the real parodic biting[3] intention of the Encomium. In the final lines he delineates a self-portrait, adjusting and immerging himself among the Georgian England, society for whom he felt the need to call for Pen and Ink[4]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pope, Alexander, Imitations of Horace, ed. by John Butt, Methuens English Classics, 1966 Horace, Liber Secundus, Epistula I in Horatii Epistularum in Q. Horatius Flaccus, rec. J.G. Orellius, (Editionem Minorem Sextam post Io. Georgium Baiterum curavit Guilelmus Hirschfelder, Volumen Prius, ed. by Berolini, 1882), p. 400-436 Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia in Internet LeedsWIKI, Virgil, Horace and Ovid: The Politics behind the Poetry,_Horace_and_Ovid:_The_Politics_behind_the_Poetry The Dictionary of Human Geography, ed. by R.J. Johnston, Derek Gregory, Geraldine Pratt and Micheal Watts, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 4th Edition, 2000), pp. 837-838 [1] Virgil, Horace and Ovid: The Politics behind the Poetry, LeedsWIKI,_Horace_and_Ovid:_The_Politics_behind_the_Poetry. [2] A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, 2nd edn (Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1995), p. 91. [3] That when I am at praise, they say I bite., line 409. [4] Line 180.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

American History :: essays research papers

Great White Americans 1990s -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bill Clinton o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Democrat o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scandal o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Less aggressive than Bush about Foreign Policy o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Iraq first step o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You are with me or not with me† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cut money supplies for terrorism -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bush o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Republican o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No social programs o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oversea social programs o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Based on his father 911 -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Police Rescuers o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hand by hand, helped a lot. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  America united they stand o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Majority of white people o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  356 died white -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bill gates o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Born seattle o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harvard  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dropped out o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First commercially successful PC o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Microsoft o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the richest example -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Steve Jobs o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Apples o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pixar -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Elway o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Football player -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  McGwrie o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Baseball o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  60 Homeruns Terrorism -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Background info o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Islam and Radical Islam  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Islamic Values  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Family, Faith, Hard work, and improvement of self and society  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Purity  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Only one god  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Misconceptions  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Treatment of women  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Treatment of minorities  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Radical Islam groups  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Taliban  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kharijites o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Belief  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lost of true path  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Non-believers are sinner  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Violence can be justified o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Key Believers  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  None that is famous  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wahhabi Islam o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beliefs  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Newer editions of the Quran is false  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Violence can be justified o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Key Believers  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osama Bin Laden  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muslim Brotherhood o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beliefs  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complete Islamic society  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No nation state  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No Democracy o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Key Believers  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sayyid Qutb  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hassan al-Turabi  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Common points o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Islam has changed o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  God is supreme, obey god only o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The west is a place of sins o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hates Israel o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Major Terrorist Figure  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Osama Bin Laden  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leader of Al Qaeda  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Raised in a wealthy family  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Learned Radicalism during University years  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The invasion of Soviet Union shaped his ideology  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why he hates America  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  America’s support for Israel and its position on the Arab – Israeli conflict  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  U.S. military attacks and sanctions agains some Arab countries and its military bases in the Arab world.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  U.S. Support for some authoritarian Arab regimes, and its hostile policies toward Islam, and its own citizens of Arab and Muslim origin.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  U.S. hypocritical behavior regarding democracy and human rights in the Arab world. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Al Qaeda  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Founded in 1988 by Bin Laden  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2830 members  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Purpose  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To overthrow Muslim governments  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Radicalization  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Destroy the U.S.  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tactics  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Use of terrorism  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  High technical sophistication o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Terrorist Attacks  §Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Octover 8, 2002 attack on US military personnel

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Americas Downward Spiral Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

America's Downward Spiral In recent years, the economy in the United States has been in what most would see as a recession. American people differ in the way they react to a recession. Some, such as Michael Moore, feel it becomes a downward spiral as big business and it’s stockholders gain more money and power, and it’s workers gain less money and stability. With a loss of stability for the American worker there is a fear of losing their health benefits, social security, pension plan, and most of all, their job. Moore’s reaction to this big business take over was to create several documentaries, Roger and Me, Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint, and The Big One. Along with Moore’s reaction to this recession there were several authors who printed pieces describing things such as; downward mobility, wilding, starvation, poverty, and homelessness. In Moore’s documentaries he targeted big tycoons such as Roger Smith of GM, Phil Knight of Nike, and companies like Johnson Controls. All of these companies have something in common, greed and money! He dug up the facts on all of th...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alice Munro Open Secrets The A Essay -- essays research papers

ALICE MUNRO’S THE ALBANIAN VIRGIN IN OPEN SECRETS EXEMPLIES HER CHARACTERISTIC APPROACH To try to trace Alice Munro’s narrative techniques to any particular development in the short story The Albanian Virgin would be difficult. This could be because it is simply written from careful observations as are many of her other short stories. In her short stories, it is as though she tries to transform a common, ordinary world into something that is unsettling and mysterious as was seen in Vandals. Most of her stories found in Open Secrets, are set or focused on Munro’s native Canada, Huron County, and particularly in the small fictional Ontario town of Carstairs, although the setting in The Albanian Virgin is in British Columbia. The story, The Albanian Virgin, found in Open Secrets, exemplifies Munro’s characteristic approach to short story writing as it explores central character’s lives that are revealed from a combination of first person narrative and third person narrative. By using both narratives, Munro adds realism, some autobiographica l information about her own life in the short stories, as the stories are also based on fiction as can it be found in earlier written short stories. Since many of her stories are based on the region in which she was born, the characters and narrators are often thought of as being about her life and how she grew up; and making her stories appear from a feminist approach. This could also indicate why the central characters in the short stories in Open Secrets, are all women: a young woman kidnapped by Albanian tribesmen in the 1920’s in The Albanian Virgin, and a young born-again Christian whose unresolved feelings of love and anger cause her to vandalize a house in Vandals. Her theme has often been the dilemmas of the adolescent girl coming to terms with family and a small town. Her more recent work has addressed the problems of middle age, of women alone, and of the elderly. The characteristic of her style is the search for some revelatory gesture by which an event is illuminated and given personal significance. (The Canadian Encyclopedia Plus 1995) Munro’s later work can probably be seen as that of her later or more recent memories, as she ages so does the characters of her short stories. The short story, An Albanian Virgin, begins... ...sp; The use of narratives, both first person and third person brings about the unique style of Alice Munro. Not many writers could write in such a way that makes the reader feel like they are the narrator in a way. Most of her stories have often been compared to be more near autobiography than to fiction by some critics. It is true that much of her stories in some way or another do relate to her life, being that of her childhood or that of her later years. The point of the matter is that although the reader can distinguish some similarities in the stories, they are for the most part fictitious with an add of some realism to them. REFERENCES Blodgett, E.D. "Alice Munro." The Canadian Encyclopedia Plus. 1995. Bloom, Amy. "From Strength to Strength." The Boston Book Review. January/February 1995, Electric Newstand. MacKendrick, Louis, K. Alice Munro’s Narrative Acts. Downsview, ECW Press, 1983. Munro, Alice. Open Secrets. Toronto: McClelland & Steward Inc., 1994. Turbide, Diane. "The Incomparable Storyteller." Maclean’s. October 17, 1994, 46-49.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Buildings and as we know trees had Essay

Deforestation is the process of clearing the forest by cutting down the trees for fulfilling different demands. Forest has a vital role in meeting people’s needs. Therefore people usually cut down the trees of the forest without having proper knowledge. Indeed, exploit of land really lend a big helping to grow in economic. For example, exploit of land is for wider develop range, the lands is use to build households, buildings and as we know trees had a very high demand all across the world so by selling the trees the process of developing in country will surely speed up not only the economic but in entire ability. On the other hand, exploit of lands also bring more jobs opportunities, as the buildings increased they had no choice to employ more worker. Although, these activities really did enhance our standard of living however, improper use of the resources leading side effects. see more:trees are our best friends essay in english pdf Deforestation has not always been a major problem, but since the early 1900’s it has become more and more of an issue. The percentage of rain-forest is declining since deforestation began. For example, nearly 70% of the area in Brazilian Amazon has been deforested (Butler, 2011). The direct causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction (e.g., logging or wood harvest for domestic fuel or charcoal), and infrastructure expansion such as road building and urbanization, from this the disadvantages of deforestation can basically divide into 3 major effects which are climate change, decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat and natural disasters. 1st Counter argue The lands that been exploit can provide the materials for various industries. One of the easiest benefits of deforestation to spot is the economic ones. Lumber products are one of the most staple constructive materials in human society. Whether it is raw lumber used for making tables and houses, or paper and other wood by-products, we simply cannot live without the use of lumber. Through this process country will have more products to sell to foreign countries as well as local too. Forests are also cleared in order to accommodate expanding urban areas with the world’s population growing by leaps and bounds, there is growing demand for land use for residential, agricultural and commercial purposes. Golf courses, resorts, housing projects, farms etc. have replaced some of the areas where there used to be forests (Jones, 2011), with this it can attract more foreign investor and tourisms to invest and expand in our country which is a decent way to boosting the economic. 2rd counte r Another advantage of deforestation is its can create more jobs opportunity. The exploiting of lands mostly for commercial purpose which means increasing of transaction will also increase the demand of the workers. This is another benefit of deforestation; it opens more job opportunities for people who would otherwise be unemployed. These job opportunities are more than simply a humanitarian concept; society at large would suffer if all of the people working in the wood industry were to suddenly find them jobless. This benefit of deforestation not only covers the people who cut down trees and process them, but also extends to the people who â€Å"clean up† after them. For every patch of forest cut down, arable land becomes available for farmers, or can be used as an area to place urban living sites like apartments, houses, and buildings. The number of people employed by such a construction project is many and varied. Or, if the city/government mandates replanting trees to repla ce the lost ones, then jobs are also provided for those people who do the seeding after a patch of forest is stripped (Fiset, 2007). Transition Notwithstanding deforestation is effectively increase the economics of the country, however the unreasonable deforest bring many series side effect to human. Deforestation affects many things, it has ecological, environmental, atmospheric and hydrosphere impacts. When the soil is disturbed by deforestation natural carbon storage systems can be disturbed releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in one go. In areas like the small developing island nations in the Pacific it can be disastrous as many endemic plant and animal species live here, and when land is deforested it disturbs soil causing landslides and disruption to the ecosystem. It also means species are confined to smaller habitats and usually move to higher more dangerous altitudes, some species cannot survive in these conditions and become endangered. It is also harmful to humans as the soil becomes too saturated due to less infiltration from tree roots and it can cause higher risks of flooding on these islands, which are usually very small. The surface runoff from the soil also can harm surrounding corals as the soils water runs out into the surrounding sea via rivers and streams. The soil then settles on the corals causing them to die. During the process it can block fish’s gills. 1st Pro arguments Deforestation is a major cause of climate change because it releases huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere contributing to the greenhouse effect. Deforestation and forest degradation are both a cause and a result of climate change. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and use it to grow, but when they decay or burn, carbon dioxide is released again. Decaying plants also produce methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. So deforestation and forest degradation are doubly damaging, because greenhouse gases are released (e.g. through forest fires, or using the cut trees as firewood), while at the same time the number of carbon dioxide absorbing trees are reduced. Thirty percent of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere over the past 150 years is thought to come from deforestation, but this is a small amount compared to what is still stored in forests. The Canadian and Russian boreal forests alone hold 40 percent of the world’s carbon stocks(deforestation, 2006). Most importantly, deforestation causes a lack of clean air. The lack of clean air plays a big role in many diseases and illnesses that plague this world. By a chain of events, deforestation is responsible for those diseases and illnesses caused by breathing unclean air. Slash and burn agriculture which is one of the most important causes. It also known as swidden or shifting agriculture and it is a traditional method of tending domesticated crops that involves the rotation of several plots of land in a planting cycle. The farmer plants crops in a field for one or two seasons, and then lets the field lie fallow for several seasons. In the meantime, the farmer shifts to a field that has lain fallow for several years, and removes the vegetation by cutting it down and burning it—hence slash and burn. The ash from the burned vegetation adds another layer of nutrients to the soil, and that with the time resting allows the soil to regenerate. Slash and burn works best in low intensity agriculture, when the farmer has plenty of land that he or she can afford to let lay fallow; and it works best when crops are rotated to assist in restoring thenutrients. It has also been documented in societies where people maintain a very broad diversity of food-generation; that is, where people also hunt game, fish, and gather wild foods (Hirst, 2011). 2rd pro Deforestation does not only affect the climate. The world of academia takes a hard hit as the gene pool is diminished by the extermination of many species of plants and animals as a result of deforestation. Possibilities of exploration are as good as dead with the rapid rate of deforestation. There are many species of plants that have the potential to create medicines that can cure the ailments that there are no cures for at the moment. Deforestation can affect if we can cure such diseases such as AIDS. On a humorous note, those familiar with the Resident Evil franchise know about the virus that causes people to turn into zombies. Deforestation would destroy changes of creating a vaccine for that virus. There are many tribes that live in the forests and live somewhat isolated from society. They do not exploit the forest but cut enough wood to make a living. The non-indigenous people of the forest understand how important it is to preserve the forest and the resources it offers. Their livelihoods are cut short when people that exploit the forest for means of money are added to the equation (The effects of deforestation, 2008) Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. The unique biodiversity of various geographical areas is being lost on a scale that is quite unprecedented. Even though tropical rainforest make up just 6 percent of the surface area of the Earth, about 80-90 percent of the entire species of the world exist here. Due to massive felling of trees, about 50 to 100 species of animals are being lost each day. The outcome of which is the extinction of animals and plants on a massive scale. The effects on animals is very heartbreaking. They not only lose their habitat and protective cover, they are pushed to extinction. Many beautiful creatures, both plants and animals have vanished from the face of the earth (Putatunda, 2011) Third pro Another Example which was lead by deforestation is natural disaster. The most often case we can find out are Floods and Drought. Forests are a life saver, as they absorb a large amount of the rainfall, thereby stopping it from entering the inhabited areas and rivers. The cutting down of trees leads to disruption in the regular flow of water, thus causing floods in some areas, while drought in other areas. For decades, the common perception in hydrology has been that deforestation in such areas made seasonal floods bigger on average, but had little effect on the number of large floods over times, in the interior regions of North America, many creeks and rivers get most of their flow from melting snow accumulated during winter storms in mountainous areas. How much water flows down these streams depends not only on how much snow falls upstream, but how fast the snow melts. But deforestation shines a new – and glaring – light on this water source. While ordinarily the trees keep the melting under control by shielding snow from the sunlight, â€Å"as soon as you get rid of the trees, the snow melts faster (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2012) Conclusion In the conclusion, the consequences are very unpleasant as every form of life on earth is interlinked with one another. Not only do animals lose their homes, but humans dependent on the local ecology are also affected. The water cycle gets disturbed leading to floods and droughts. People dependent on the forests for their survival lose their livelihood. Global warming is another problem looming over our heads. The causes and its effects of this destructive practice can be stopped to some extent, if we all do our bit towards the environment. Reduce emissions by avoiding use of cars and bikes indiscriminately. Make our factories more cleaner and monitor their emissions. Develop better ways of farming that help increase the yield without having an impact on the neighboring forest areas. Forest management and strict monitoring of tree cutting should be carried out by various government and other nonprofit agencies. Reforestation of lost areas and following sustainable practices will help us balance our green cover. Remember, trees give us life, without them it will be impossible to sustain life.

Criminal Justice theory of crime Essay

There is no single cause of crime, it is rooted in a diversity of casual factors and takes a variety of forms, depending on the situation in which it occurs. Nonetheless, some theories of human behavior help us understand why certain people engage in acts that society defines as criminal or deviant, while others do not. A theory is a kind of model. Theories posit relationships, often of a casual sort, between events and things under study. Theories once created must be tested to determine whether they are valid and modern criminology has become increasingly scientific. There are many different theories that suggest why people commit crimes. Each of which has there own scientific explanation. Early biological theories of crime tried to establish a connection between physical deformity, disability and ugliness with crime. While borderline scientific disciplines such as physiognomy attempted to establish a link between facial features, personality and crime. Explanation of biological theories of crime favors biological traits as a dominant factor that will affect human behavior and actions. Biological theories of crime which in past years has fallen into disrepute are beginnings to experience something of a contemporary resurgence. Most early theories of the biological school of crime causation, which built on inherited or bodily characteristics and features, made certain fundamental assumptions. Basic determinants of human behavior, including criminal tenancies. The basic determinants of human behavior, including criminality, may be passed on from generation to generation. In other behavior is the result of biords, a penchant for crime may be inherited. Biological theories tended towards seeing crime as a form of illness, caused by pathological factors specific to certain classes of individuals. We assume people were born criminals Cesare Lombroso famous criminologist, rejected the classical school or rational choice model because he believe criminality was inherited.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Communicate in a Business Environment

1. Understand the purpose of planning communication1.1 Explain the benefits of knowing the purpose of communication The purpose of communication is to allow the exchange of information, ideas, concepts, emotions, thoughts and opinions. The benefit of knowing this is so you can use communication as a tool, it is needed to be able to learn, teach and explain things to others. We communicate in a Business Environment to maintain effective and efficient ways of working and to listen to and try to solve each others problems.1.2 Explain the reasons for knowing the audience to whom communications are presented By knowing who your audience is it is easier to adapt your communication appropriately. Your tone and format will differ depending on who is receiving the communication as will your body language, for example when talking amongst friends, you are likely to talk informally with more relaxed body language whereas when talking to a senior manager you would put more thought into what you were saying and the words you choose as well as standing up straight, smiling etc.The reasons we change the way we communicate to different audiences is to give off the right impression and to get what you want to say across appropriately, effectively and efficiently. 1.3 Explain the purpose of knowing the intended outcomes of communications Knowing the intended outcomes of communications helps inform you if the information you provided was satisfactory and up to the right standard or if they needed more from you.1.4 Describe different methods of communication and when to use them There are five different methods of communication; verbal, non verbal, informal, formal and body language.VerbalVerbal communication is the act of conveying thoughts, feelings and ideas through the use of speech. It is the most effective type of communication and should be used when an immediate response is needed, which can be sought face to face or over the phone. Verbal is also a preferred method when i nformation is confidential. Non-VerbalThis type of communication is one that does not involve speech. Examples of non-verbal communications are written, facial expressions, gestures and sign language. Written communication can be used to have a hard copy/record of an agreement or conversation. Facial expressions and gestures can be very helpful to portray your feelings and helps you determine if the person you are speaking to understands what you’re saying.InformalInformal communication can come in many forms, a face to face chat, phone call, text, e-mail, post it note or an informal meeting for a catch up. This is used day in day out amongst friends and colleagues. This is usually used when the people communicating know each other; an example of this would be starting an e-mail with â€Å"Hi ______† rather than â€Å"Dear Mr. _______†.FormalFormal communication is usually used when communicating with customers/clients depending on the relationship held with the m or when procedures and orders are being followed. This is, in most cases, the format used automatically when communicating in business with people you do not know.Body LanguageBody language is the most honest method of communication; it can be relied on by the hard of hearing or talking to help them get their point across and understand others. It helps people judge who they think is approachable and can assist when there is a language barrier.2. Understand how to communicate in writing2.1 Identify relevant sources of information that may be used when preparing written communication Sources of information can be classed as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.PrimaryWhen information is primarily sourced it is gathered by a person directly in contact with the event or incident. These are the authentic facts that haven’t undergone any changes. Examples of these include: DiariesLetters E-mails Interviews SurveysSecondary A secondary source of information is interpreted or analysed data of the primary source. Examples of these include: Books Magazine and newspaper articles Commentaries TextbooksTertiary Tertiary sources consist of information which is a combination of primary and secondary sources. Examples of these include: Manuals Directories Fact books Bibliographies2.2 Describe the communication principles for using electronic forms of written communication in a business environment. Electronic forms of data or communication are e-mails, faxes etc. When choosing electronic communications for exchange of information, you should think carefully to decide which the best and most efficient method of communication is.2.3 Explain different styles and tones of language and situations when they may be used for written communications. Colloquial, casual, and formal writing are different styles of writing that have their own expectations and outcomes. The style of writing also depends on the purpose of what is intended to say, how it is intended to say, what the doc ument will be used  for and the audience.Colloquial LanguageColloquial is an informal, conversational style of writing. Casual language is something that we use to communicate with family and close friends. It uses informal words that we use normally on a daily basis.Formal LanguageFormal language is used in business communications. It depends on the words you use, the way you use and relates to your role. You need to be personally well presented and the language has formal words with proper syntax, good vocabulary and excellent grammar which are more important.2.4 Explain the reasons for selecting and using language that suits the purpose of written communication. The purpose of written communication is to contact people in a more professional way. See 1.4 under Formal.2.5 Describe the ways of organising, structuring and presenting written information so it meets the needs of different audiences. When organising, structuring and presenting written information we have to bear in m ind the following. Prepare all the documents for presentation depending on what has to be delivered. Keep documents in the correct order, so that the communication goes in a proper flow without any confusions and errors.While presenting, be clear in what you talk stating the objectives. Give an introduction on what you are going to present, why you are writing to them, why the audience is receiving the written communication. Present it step by step clearly using proper resources where needed. In the end, close it down making clear that all objectives were covered. Inform the audience what will happen next and what actions have to be implemented.2.6 Describe ways of checking for the accuracy of content in written information. Any written communication has to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. It also has to be in the right and professional format. So the following have to be checked or considered before the document is finalised to be sent out. Check the points written down: Whatever we write has to be accurate, otherwise it will have disastrous effects and can even ruin the reputation of the organisation, and the organisation can itself get into trouble. So all details have to be double checked for example dates, names, statistics, events, discussions, actions and other facts. If you are unsure of anything, make sure you check with knowledgeable or experienced people and update the written document.2. Spell check and Grammar check:Spell-check is an option available to easily correct typo errors. Sometimes it will not be 100% accurate, because if you had typed a word instead of another, then spell check will not be able to trace it. So it is always best to check through the document twice before sending it out.3. Use a Template:Usually every organisation has a different style for documents they produce. They will all be available as templates which one can use to easily input data. In case there isn’t a template available, you should research thr ough to find the correct style for the document that you produce depending on needs, department and organisation and follow the style guide to produce the document. As an organisation, documents have to be produced in a standard and professional format.4. Have someone else check your work:Another way to ensure accuracy is to have your document read by another reader. Sometimes when we read through our own work, minor or sometimes major errors can be hard to detect. Grammatical, punctuation and style errors can be picked up if the reader is an experienced person.2.7 Explain the purpose of accurate use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.The main purpose in the correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling is ensuring the receiver of the information reads it the way it was intended. Addition to this when given a task to do, your employer expects you to do it perfectly. When a document has inaccuracies, readers tend to distrust everything, including the statistics, opinions, and fa cts. For progression in the company you need to ensure you carry out all tasks to a certain standard.2.8 Explain what is meant by plain English, and why it is used. Plain English is plain language used for communication that emphasise clarity and avoids technical language. Plain English is used so that what you try to communicate is easily understood by everyone and is appropriate to their reading skills and knowledge.2.9 Explain the purpose of proofreading and checking written work. Any work that is written has to be proofread and checked especially if it is important written work. The purpose of doing so is to avoid errors and appearing unprofessional. See 2.6 for the purpose of checking work.2.10 Explain the purpose of recognising work that is important and work that is urgent. Importance and urgency are two different things. When something is urgent, you rush to do it. When something is important, you prioritise it. Urgent tasks are not necessarily complicated, so I try to finis h off the urgent ones quickly and move on to the important ones. Important tasks should be dealt with carefully and have time put into them and be thoroughly checked on completion.2.11 Describe organisational procedures for saving and filing written communications. Every organisation has its own policies and procedures for saving and filing documents. Documents with similar information are filed together for ease of accessibility when necessary. Documents that need to be shared with other departments and other staff are always stored on shared drives. You should be very particular about the storage and destroying of confidential information. Records may be kept as paper files, or electronically in shared drives, databases, or document management systems.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Open Work Space Research Essay

The Study Recently in the work space, there seems to be a shift from this traditional cubicle style to a more open environment for the employees. This shift has me questioning why are innovative companies shifting towards this more open environment? It seems that these companies are looking not only for a change in scenery, but a change in the how there employees utilize the environment.During this study, I will use a variety of sources in order to understand a comma NYSE work space environment and other information pertaining the architectural design of a company. The questions especially want to explore are: How does the open workspace effect the collaboration between employees? How does this work space attempt to foster an environment for creativity and innovation? Informational Sources The sources have used ranged from a variety of places.The information I collected from Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group was a large group interview which was required for a summer class where we studied cultures of creativity in Detroit, Michigan. These two interviews took place on August 24, 2013. The large group interview also included a tour of both companies to actually see the working environment firsthand. Field notes were also taken to help record detailed descriptions of the environment at both companies. Another source used for this research included an online magazine called 991. . This magazine publishes research in a condensed and easy to understand format for the general public. It described research on how to build a collaborative work space. I read this to help better my understanding of what a collaborative work space might look like and what re some key components for a creative work space. Also watched a video created by Wall Street Journal on Google's New York work space because, have never been there. This video allowed me to visually see the environment where Google employees work.Another source utilized was a prCICS completed from an article called Building Research and Information. It included research done in this area which helped me orient myself with prior research already completed on this topic. Previous Research Completed on Work Space Environment One research prCICS I looked at included the importance of collaboration in the work space. They looked at three behaviors that contribute to effective collaboration: â€Å"awareness, brief interaction, and collaboration (working together)† (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 2).This term awareness means to understand what is going on in the environment around you. You are able to process this through â€Å"spatial features that promote awareness† and organizational factors that allow you to see other employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, pars. 4-5). They noted Some benefits to this ‘high awareness' Were rapid information sharing and ability to recognize when other employees were struggling Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 6). However there are some concerns for ‘high awareness' in a collaborative environment also.It can be distracting, noisy from employees talking, and create a loss of privacy for the workers (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 7). Another term discussed was ‘brief interactions' which means unplanned and short discussions you have with other employees. This results in â€Å"spatial features that promote interaction† and organizational factors that allow you to run into other employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, pars. 9-10). Some benefits include improved information flow, increased learning, and increased development Of friendships (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 1). There are, however, some drawbacks which include a high potential for stress, an increase in distractions, and the potential for over communicating with employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 12). The ot her term discussed in the prCICS was collaboration. Collaboration in the work space can result in organizational factors that allow employees to work in project rooms (Hangmen, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, ears. 18-19). Some benefits from these project rooms are quicker answers, access to other team members, and better project tracking (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 0). Despite these benefits, there are some concerns including the possibility for information overload, a shorter amount of time on certain tasks, and less privacy for employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 21). Evaluating Google and Two Outside Innovative Companies Google is the company which typifies an open work space concept. However, I needed to use Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group in Detroit, Michigan because they were local and accessible. Both of these companies were much smaller than Google.However, there are innovative and utilize the open work space con cept. Google is known for their web search engine and try to make information easily accessible to the users. The Google New York campus occupies an entire floor and parts of other floors in a building covering an entire â€Å"city block in Manhattans Chelsea neighborhood† (Alter, par. 7). This campus has grown from around 2,000 employees to nearly 3,000 and hiring in the areas of media and advertising (Jordan). Due to the arrival of additional employees, the newly hired have had to move from floor to floor (Jordan).In this campus as opposed to Silicon Valley, it is less tech focused and gives the employees a more natural working environment (Jordan). Google's competitive and innovative nature attracts many young employees to their company. Despite Google's great benefits, there is still a high turnover rate, which means they have a limited amount of time with their employees. Kidders Studio is an innovative company which is a part Of the creative community in Detroit, Michig an. Since 1 959, Kidders Studio has earned a beatable name for solving problems with designs.They started off solving problems by designing logos for the automotive companies in Detroit. In 201 1, Kidders moved to their new location on Broadway Street near the Detroit Tigers Stadium. Their diverse team of 25 office employees design logos and websites for advertisements, but their goal is to create the extraordinary (Patrick). They started with 16 employees and are looking to expand to 35 employees. Some of their biggest clients are Dave and Buster's, Detroit Tigers, and Andiron Restaurant. At Kramer Design Group in Detroit, they specialize in designing the interiors of buildings.There are about 18 to 28 people that work at the office, because there are only 28 desks available. When they work with their clients, they focus on creating a particular environment in order to invoke a certain feeling (Kramer). They strive for listening to the client. However, sometimes the client does not know what they want until you show it to them. This company provides swatches of materials to help visualize the production or prototype built. They are known for creating traditional architecture, hotels, and presidential lofts. They have completed such projects in Detroit like theMadison Building, Broodier Towers, and Whitney Building (Kramer). Kramer Design Group is starting to pick up some business throughout the state. Kramer Design Group and Kidders Studio Work Space Company ices are redesigning offices in order to get a more spacious working environment for their employees. This open work space is intended to foster creativity and innovation. Designing a place to enhance creativity takes a lot of work not only on the companies half, but on the architects half as well. It is important the architect works in collaboration with their client to create a specific environment.In this case, the architect needs to create an environment that is not only functional to the employees, b ut pleasing to the customer. Open office spaces seem to fuel this creativity through the collaboration of diverse groups of people, the flexibility of the work space, and the atmosphere of the room with numerous examples from Detroit, Machine's Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group. A key component to this creativity and innovation is allowing the mixture of diverse groups of people to work together in an open area.To define diverse, this word is meant to describe how individuals with various job titles and functions can ark cohesively together. Providing people an open environment encourages informal connections to be made and ideas to be bounced off one another (Patrick). For example, at Kidders Studio, their work place fosters an environment where colleagues can collaborate with each other (Patrick). The studio is set up with no doors on any of the offices, even the Coo's office. Over the years, the company has developed this process to be successful.During their meetings, they encourage administrative workers, designers, marketers, and writers to brainstorm ideas for projects (Patrick). These brainstorming sessions involve everyone in the company to work on a project where titles mean nothing (Patrick). Sometimes, disagreement can be a bad thing. But it has become a useful tool because, it encourages ideas to be explored and defended by the creator (Patrick). The end result is a better thought out solution which provides the customer with an outstanding product.Creating flexibility in the work space seems to be another crucial element which allows this creativity and innovation to flourish. Kramer Design Group utilizes the portability and disability of the room to create an environment where creativity is maximized. The portable chairs in the lunch space allow the user to rearrange the space. The emphasis on designing a flexible work space allows people to freely converse amongst one another (Kramer). It also gives the workers an environment which allows easy access to coworkers (Kramer).Some of the offices have glass walls to give the illusion of a more open space (Kramer). One thing that stands out is there are few private offices. Private offices close workers off from the company and do not allow for ideas to be exchanged while the open spaces help stimulate creativity. In an open space, the atmosphere plays an important role in the minimization of creativity and innovation. Kramer Design Group's office is designed with a level of sophistication and professionalism to illustrate their knowledge in the design field (Kramer).The minute you step into the office, it is meant to create a feeling bigger than meets the eye. There is wall to wall glass to give an expansive feeling to the area and it makes the ceiling appear taller (Kramer). In the hallway, there are columns spaced equal distances apart and a white strip on the carpet to give the illusion of a never ending hall (Kramer). Even the lighting plays into the comfortable ambia nce of the room with their modern looking lights which use some incandescent lighting. Their office provides a creative, yet comfortable environment.It allows their employees to think freely in the office with the respect of their fellow colleagues. Google's Innovative Design Google's New York campus has a similar goal in their office design like Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group. â€Å"All of the design is meant to encourage interaction between structurally separate teams† (Jordan). By implementing this open work space, it influences the way groups of Google's collaborate. Google's intention by using an open work space is to create an environment specifically for the interaction between the workers.A fun design plan Google's architects implemented is the vertical ladder chutes between floors, because the elevators are never known to be on time. This vertical ladder chute promotes unplanned collaborations (Alter, par. 7). Another touch Google added was giving the employe es a bag to place their laptop in while climbing up the ladder (Jordan). This bag helped Google's minimize the chance of dropping their laptops. When workers causally intermingle, it encourages informal connections to be made among colleagues. Senior software engineer, Mike Labels moved from Google's Silicon Valley to Google's New York campus.At Google's Silicon Valley, their offices are created as an individual place with their own unique perks and specific design, which help the worker relate to their environment Road). Since Labels has transferred to Google's New York office, he feels that coming to work here you will not mistake you are in some room at an ordinary building; you will know you are at Google in New York (Jordan). It seems Google's New York office has created their own city within their building. Even some of their conference rooms are designed as a New York apartment to create a close environment for colleagues to collaborate within.Directly outside these conferenc e rooms, it is setup like city with a fire hydrant, subway grates on the floor, and a narrow hallway with a cityscape on the wall (Jordan). This use of schematics throughout areas of their building makes it seem like the real New York City outside of the building. Collaboration is a good thing, but too much can also be a bad thing sometimes. There are many places to get away from the hustle and bustle of the office area. These areas include a reflecting room, a library, a private hone booth, and more. The library is dotted with Victorian photos from Star Wars hanging on the walls (Jordan).There are also secret door bookcases leading to refection or reading rooms (Jordan). Throughout the library are many books to help employees on coding, programming and working with different types of computers (Jordan). One of the coolest features is the virtual wall of books where employees can download books to their phones (Jordan). Theses rooms are meant to give the workers a place to escape to when they get stressed at work. Google jobs can cause high stress because Of all the work demands. They can stop by the library and pick out a book or even download one from the virtual wall.By creating this comfortable environment, it gives the employees a place to relieve their stress. Regional facilities manager, Laura Gimped mentioned with groups growing in Google how proprieties and juxtaposition effect the workers interactions (loran). Laura understands generally information and ideas are shared with co-workers who are nearby. This is part of the reason that Google has positioned their offices no more than 150 feet away from food to enhance informal interactions between its employees. So at any office location there s a micro-kitchen, a restaurant, or cafeteria nearby.This place encourages fellow Google's to go grab a bite to eat whenever and where ever they may be in the building (Jordan). Their set up enables employees to â€Å"bump into coworkers from different teams with in the† work space (Alter, par. 8). She has taken into account the growth of the company with an eye towards this idea of casual collision in the work space (Jordan). This allows fellow Google's to have the opportunity to discuss an idea with someone they normally do not work with (Jordan). Some of the greatest ideas are inspired from unexpected inventions between people.Findings Coming from an architectural background has enabled me to see rooms differently from other people. However, after this research, I was able to look at a room and see the choices and decisions the architect had to make in designing the room. For example, their placement of furniture, walls, doors and windows in a room plays a critical role in how the work space is used. The way an architect designs a room actually plays an important role for what the customer ultimately wants. Each of the companies I research ultimately had a similar goal through using the open work space concept.Kidder's goals was to create the extraordinary through logos and design. Their office design fostered their employees to be creative. Kramer Design Group specialized in interior designing. Their open work space also did the same by providing their employees with a creative environment. Both of these places were designed, so the employees interacted regularly in order to get their ideas. Through my research even though did not actually visit, Google, the above examples helped me visualize what I could not see at Google. I have come to greater appreciate the open work space concept and its purpose atGoogle is to maximize its employees creativity. Through my research on open work spaces at Google, I have come to understand the choices the architects had to make while designing Google's New York office. They choose to design the environment with many unique features to enhance the collaboration between employees. I have now come to see that through creating an open work space it results in good ideas from em ployees. Essentially, these good ideas are able to be obtained through creating these unexpected conversations and casual collisions. This new understanding can help companies understand ways to obtain ideas from their employees.Through creating this type of environment similar to Google, companies will be able to design an environment to maximize the productivity of workers. Conclusion Google is known as the gold standard for innovation and creativity. Their architects have used the open work space to help them achieve this goal. Through the design of the open work space, Google's from different teams or backgrounds bump into each other casually throughout the day. The intent is for these Google's to discuss an idea with someone they may not work with daily. This chance interaction may be the catalyst for a new and creative idea.This new open work space approach is intended to inspire its employees and support creativity where new ideas can be developed and new discoveries made. Fu rther Questions If another research paper was completed, it may be interesting to see how other innovative companies like Apple, Paxar, and Twitter are set up in regards to their work space design. It would be interesting to see how these companies layout their work space, because there could be similar correlations to how their employee's collaborate like Google. In order to answer this question, you would need to look at the interactions between the errors of the company.Since work spaces are always being remodeled by companies, it would be interesting to track innovative companies over the next five year to see how their work space changed over time. It would be ideal to interview employees throughout the change of the work space to see how it has effected them. It may be interesting to also speak to the management to determine whether there were more ideas generated in the newer work space than in the current type work space. This could help understand the reason behind why comp anies design a creative environment for their workers.